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Mount Pleasant Pocket Park

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Final design for the new Fleet Valley Pocket Park

The works will be starting on the new Fleet Valley Pocket Park at the end of the month. The name change to 'Fleet Valley Pocket Park' is in response to feedback from local residents in the neighbourhood forum . The works will introduce significant areas of new planting, new trees, permeable paving, seating positioned sensitively within the design, as well as a playful mounds feature for children to enjoy going to and from school. A blue brick 'explorer path' will weave through the planting beds, referencing the route of the River Fleet that used to run directly through the pocket park.

Signs with more detailed information will be position on site in advance of construction starting, with a start and end date, as well as contact information should anyone have questions about the works. In the meantime, if you want to get in contact please email

See the below landscape design of the Fleet Valley Pocket Park.

Posted on 12th January 2022

by Joe Lewis

Summary of public engagement findings

Thank you to everyone who participated in the public engagement and discussion about the pocket park project. We have now collated the feedback and have summarised the results in the below document.

Link here: Summary document of public engagement feedback on pocket park project .

Overall there is strong support for the principles and design set out concept diagram and visualisations of the pocket park. The headline summary is 62% of respondents 'Like' the proposals, 22% chose 'Neutral', and 16% 'Dislike'.

Suggestions and comments were made on how the design could be improved. We are currently working through this feedback and updating the detailed design accordingly (page 3 of engagement summary document ). The updated design will show how we have taken onboard the comments and responded to the feedback we have received. The updated design will be uploaded on this Commonplace page for comment. You will be automatically notified when this happens. Posters will also be placed on site that explain the design in detail.

Many thanks


Posted on 28th July 2021

by Joe Lewis